The ups and downs of drug-delivering drones

… at their root, decidedly low-tech problems — and if countries … opposition MPs called drone delivery a “high tech vanity project” … challenges to drone drug deliveries may be the technology itself. … warn, should medicine-laden drones be hacked, precious life- …

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Russian brothers hope to get their drone ‘gas station’ off the ground

“You may think about it as the gas station for drones. With cars, when you need more fuel you just charge at the station. Same here with the drone: you need more power you just go to the charging area.”

Commercial drone flight time is currently limited to around 20-30 minutes. But that is due to drastically improve thanks to Russian brothers Leonid and Sergey Plekhanov.

“We were always thinking about something new and interesting in electricity and wireless power or something like that,” says Leonid Plekhanov, chief executive of Global Energy Transmission (GET). “Finally, at the end of the day, we decided to try to do something really new, created on our own, and this is how we started our own company. When we started in 2014/15 we didn’t have an exact vision of the final product, of course, and [for the] final application we just started around wireless power – that was our core idea from the very beginning. Then, of course, from one attempt to another, from one prototype to anoth..

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DJI blames trade tariffs for the recent bump in drone prices

In recent weeks the ongoing trade war between the United States and China have threatened to see a significant rise in pricing for a number of consumer tech products, with smartphones, notebooks being highlighted as being the most affected.

Now we can add drones to that list, or at least ones from Chinese manufacturer DJI, which has had to raise the price of its devices Stateside, citing the Trump presidency’s tariffs as the key contributor.

If you head to the DJI US store, you’ll notice the Mavic 2 lineup in particular, which is likely the company’s most popular commercial drone, has seen an increase of roughly 13 percent. While this is slightly below the 15 percent increase that Trump’s tariffs have outlined, it shows that all consumer tech firms with operations in China will be effected by the ongoing trade war.

As for what that means for other regions outside of the US, remains to be seen, with South Africa yet to feel the impact of the tariff increases just yet. That could chan..

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Flame-throwing drones: the scary-sounding devices that could save lives

Flame-throwing drones: the scary-sounding devices that could save lives


Flame-throwing drones: the scary-sounding devices that could save lives

Self-igniting eggs dropped by ‘dragon’ drones: it sounds scary, but the resulting blazes can limit destruction

Marin county firefighters participate in a controlled burn training in June in San Rafael, California. Drones can help create such burns.
Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The drone propels a stream of flaming gasoline on to the treeline or drops self-igniting “dragon eggs” that sparka clusterof flames. Managed properly, it will chew away atovergrown forests and helpprevent deadly and destructive megafires.

Aerial ignition with helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft has long been a key component of fighting fire with fire, but the vast majority of missions still feature a human pilot in the sky.

Now, whether by sky drops of flammable ping pong balls or the full-on force of a flamethrower, a growing number of US go..

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XTI Aircraft Company to Exhibit at NBAA-BACE

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XTI Aircraft Company to Exhibit at NBAA-BACE

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Company’s TriFan 600 model to be displayed at innovation exhibit

“We’re delighted to be chosen by NBAA to exhibit and for this opportunity to showcase the TriFan 600,” ”— Robert LaBelle, CEO, XTI Aircraft Co.DENVER, CO, UNITED STATES, September 3, 2019 / — XTI Aircraft Company (XTI) announced today it has been invited by the National Business Aircraft Association to exhibit its revolutionary TriFan 600 vertical takeoff airplane as part of NBAA’s Innovation Exhibit at its annual Business Aircraft Convention & Exhibit (BACE) in Las Vegas, October 22-24, 2019.
“We’re delighted to be chosen by NBAA to exhibit and for this opportunity to showcase the TriFan 600,” said Robert LaBelle,..

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Drone tech to help in rescue & relief ops

Drone tech to help in rescue & relief opsA team of students from IIT Madras has developed a drone technology that can help in rescue and relief operations, especially after natural disasters. By
Prachi Verma, ET Bureau|Sep 02, 2019, 11.38 PM ISTNEW DELHI: A team of students at IIT Madras has developed a drone technology that can help in rescue and relief operations, especially after natural disasters. “The solution is beta-ready and can be deployed. It is currently being tested and would reach the commercialisation phase within six months,” said Ayush Parasbhai Maniar, student member, UAVs for Disaster Management, Centre for Innovation (CFI) — Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras.

“The iterations to improve every feature would continue. The team’s artificial intelligence (AI)-based solution is used in combination with drones that use swarm intelligence to collect data and analyse it in real-time. The project is being executed with data inputs from the National Disa..

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ZB Group Hosts its ZB Talk Meetup in NYC

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ZB Group Hosts its ZB Talk Meetup in NYC

AMERICA, August 31, 2019 / — On August 29th, 2019, ZB Group held its ZB Talk meetup in New York City. The meetup was organized by The Decentralized Exchange Network (THE DEx) along with Homebloc, and hosted by Mr. Daniel Rufini, ZB Group’s Communication Director. The meetup was held at 33 Irving Pl. and welcomed individuals from all walks of life.

ZB Talk was honored to have the presence of thought leaders from Crypto and Non-Crypto companies from The United States and abroad, such as Blockchain projects, crypto VC’s, institutional and individual investors, exchanges, crypto and non-crypto media etc. The meetup counted also with the presence of representatives/speakers from Homebloc ( and Carbon (carbon.mon..

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Skilled 4 Work: CNM teaches students to fly drones

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