MDPair Provides drone / UAS services to municipalities throughout Florida.  With safety a concern, we can deploy ultra high video resolution where it may be difficult for manpower to access. This includes Bridge inspections, property inspections, and any operations where field workers need a perspective to aid their project for a successful and better than average completion.

Police and Fire:

The need for a rapid response vehicle to assist with search and rescue at levels that air support can not provide. Low Level Flir Operations LOFLI offer a lower level of view to penetrate forestry and other obstructions not able to be seen from the air. Evidence Recovery With Flir and multispectral cameras hot spots can easily identify weapon and other evidentiary items to be recovered under rapid response uas. With smaller agencies who may not have access to a county or state helicopter average response time with flir flight can be 20 minutes from the home bases. For major case and other events outside of the home bases we can provide estimated times of availability. With crimes being unforeseen events availability may be limited and or not available at all times.

Warrantless searches under the current case law prevent officials from using enhancing devices to view and monitor potential suspects and persons of interest. Warrant searches and search Warrants where logistics need to be made for properties that have challenges for police and fire to conduct their operations safely. County and state agencies Critical supply delivery. Payload of XXX, Mosquito Control spraying, multispectral camera for hazardous spills and cleanup, and general planning. Detect potential problems before they occur with FLIR and Multispectral imagery.

Where handheld FLIR units do not proide aerial views of forest fires and brush fires, flights with our UAS can be conducted safely to check for hotspots. Flights with flir and visible spectrum Lighting can determine smoldering areas and the best routes for fire lines to be put in place.

City Hall

Google earth provides a very good view of a location but it is not real time. Our services will give you real time mapping with upcoming projects without the need for expensive aerial flights and helicopters. Large monitors for officials to review live views from the uas will allow for decision making on the field and post planning processes for review. Projects with the city involving public can also b provided pending waivers or without direct overhead flight. This is perfect for large concerts or events sponsored

by the city. Traffic control reporting and tracking real-time can also assist in a local area here redirection and backups can be prevented. This method of uas has been effective in race traffic, special events where use of a police helicopter may be costly at an average rate of $400-600/hr. UAS operations can provide this at a fraction of the cost and private live streams can be set up for viewing from multiple sources or on the ground at the launch location.