Drone Operation Agreement Reached

SALISBURY – Wicomico County officials this week approved a concession agreement with a company to provide unmanned aircraft flight operations at the Salisbury airport.
On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council voted unanimously to accept a concession agreement between the county and Sentinel Robotic Solutions (SRS) LLC.
“This is a concession agreement instead of a lease because SRS is providing a service, not renting a facility,” Airport Manager Dawn Veatch said. “The facility is being built by the county. There will be office space and other things rented in that facility that will not be for this portion of this agreement.”
Veatch told the council SRS was experienced in operating unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones.

“They have the expertise to operate this,” she said. “They’ve done this seamlessly with tremendous success. We are fortunate to have a leader in the industry here as our partner, and I look forward to being able to develop all the new, future th..

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Royal Flying Doctor Service trains next generation pilots with drones


Royal Flying Doctor Service trains next generation pilots with drones


March 20, 2019 07:13:30

Video: Training future pilots with drones

(ABC News)

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Rockhampton 4700

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) has opened its Rockhampton hangar to school girls learning to become drone pilots for the day.
Science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) specialists, She Maps, run drone workshops with school groups around Australia, but this is the first time they have teamed up with the RFDS.
Queensland Head of Clinical Governance, Trent Dean, said he hoped the new partnership would encourage more girls to pursue a future in aviation.

Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland Head of Clinical Governance Trent Dean at the Rockhampton..

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Royal Flying Doctor Service uses drones to train school kids


Royal Flying Doctor Service trains next generation pilots with drones


March 20, 2019 07:13:30

Video: Training future pilots with drones

(ABC News)

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Drone to help rescuers after test at notorious WA fishing spot

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Could drones be used to deliver aid to disaster zones?

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Fire fighters trial unmanned drones in emergencies

Rockhampton 4700

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) has opened its Rockhampton hangar to school girls learning to become drone pilots for the day.
Science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) specialists, She Maps, run drone workshops with school groups around Australia, but this is the first time they have teamed up with the RFDS.
Queensland Head of Clinical Governance, Trent Dean, said he hoped the new partnership would encourage more girls to pursue a future in aviation.

Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland Head of Clinical Governance Trent Dean at the Rockhampton..

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Congressional hearing focuses on future technologies for America’s aviation system

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A March 12, 2019, hearing of the House Subcommittee on Aviation explored what the nation’s aviation system and infrastructure may look like 30 years into the future.

Witnesses representing NASA, aviation and technology companies, and pilots highlighted the need for the United States to remain competitive globally in aviation by ensuring an environment that allows for the development and incorporation of technology safely into the aviation system. Such technologies will attract jobs and provide greater access for communities of all sizes to the rest of the world.

“For the United States to stay a world leader in aviation, and to improve America’s infrastructure across all modes, we have to do a better job of incorporating technology. That is one of my top priorities as Ranking Member of the Committee,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO). “Today’s witnesses provided some valuable insight about what our future aviation sys..

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Drone landing pads? Yes please!

Tony Gilbert uses drones for aerial mapping. IMAGE: Claudia Baxter

A Queensland builder has predicted a new wave of home designs incorporating drone landing pads could hit the property market in as little as three years.


Printing a house to live in

While it may sound like the plot of a Ken Saunders book, it could in fact become a reality in just a few years.

In Saunders’ book 2028, there are no longer postal delivery by postmen/women. Instead, drones deliver the mail and provide surveillance for ASIO.

Saunders said he wrote the first draft of his “comedy” novel 2028 in 2015.

“It wasn’t so much an attempt to predict the future, but more to describe a world where some of the not very good ideas around today have developed in slightly preposterous ways that sort of make sense, almost.”

Saunders put pen to paper in a comical way, but builder Rivergum Homes design director John Eckert said the reality was that drone landing pads would become a viable option for new houses..

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Artcoin AI Directors Discussed Blockchain in the Art Realm

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Artcoin AI Directors Discussed Blockchain in the Art Realm

Artcoin AI is a blockchain investor-driven platform that allows investors to benefit from the enhanced transparency and security of the Smart Contracts platform

the Artcoin app get access to our blockchain applications to verify their work and secure that for the future.”— Pablo Yabo HONG KONG, HONG KONG, HONG KONG, March 16, 2019 /EINPresswire.com/ — [Hong Kong], [March 15, 2019] – Artcoin AI is a blockchain investor-driven platform that allows investors to benefit from the enhanced transparency and security of the Smart Contracts platform. Just recently, its president, Dr. Bernhard A. Boehler along with its directors sat down to talk about what the value of blockchain technology brings to the fine art world.
Dr. Boe..

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