VentureWrench Joins Leading Companies Representing Utah’s Tech Ecosystem at State Capitol Event

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VentureWrench Joins Leading Companies Representing Utah's Tech Ecosystem at State Capitol Event

Governor's Office of Economic Development Invites Select Group of Utah Technology Leaders to Share their Tech and Vision with Legislators and State Leaders

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, U.S., February 24, 2019 / — The VentureWrench™ Team at Enclavix™, LLC is pleased to announce that it will be among a select group of technology companies representing Utah's Tech Ecosystem at the Governor's Office of Economic Development's annual “Tech Day on the Hill”. The event allows Utah's State Legislators and elected officials the opportunity to better understand Utah's dynamic technology sector.

Date And Time
Mon, February 25, 2019, 7:30 AM – 9:00 ..

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Monash Uni using drones to reduce water wastage on farms

Engineers from Monash University are developing autonomous drones able to detect moisture hiding just under the surface to help meet our growing demand for food as water sources dwindle.

While Geoscience Australia is fine-tuning the process of using satellite imagery to hunt down water thieves, Monash is working on a smaller scale to help farmers better understand the moisture content of paddocks at a more granular level.

The team, led by Monash’s head of Civil Engineering professor Jeff Walker, has been developing the autonomous system over the last two years.

Walker said the drone is autonomous “in the sense that you mark the paddock you want to fly, it automatically prepares the flight lines…you press the ‘fly’ button, it goes and flies and captures and comes back and lands”.

An early proof-of-concept was originally equipped with optical mapping sensors, but the project has now expanded to include passive microwave sensing technology using L-Band waves (an Institute of Electri..

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New Kalashnikov drone may ‘revolutionize war’

… revolutionize war by making sophisticated drone warfare technology widely and cheaply available … attaching explosives to commercially available drones and detonating them on advancing … proliferation of the technology, experts say. Two such drones were used in …

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What is ‘safe enough’ for drone deliveries?

They will be heavier than the lightweight models that previously have hit people on the ground. A host of questions remain unanswered. Should drones themselves be required to carry safety features such as sensors or parachutes? Are Americans willing to endure drone accidents in exchange for more convenience and freedom, as they do with automobiles?

The out-of-control photography drone that knocked a woman unconscious during Seattle’s 2015 Pride Parade, and the one that hit the top of the Space Needle the year after, had nowhere near the heft that future delivery drones will need.

The first weighed under three pounds; the second, a shade under seven.

In the coming months, the U.S. will take important steps toward regular test flights by heavier, package-bearing delivery drones. Last month, the Federal Aviation Administration opened the door a little wider for flights over people, though not deliveries, in a new draft rule.

As the weight goes up — one company is testing at 13 pound..

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Update: Drone which grounded flights in Dublin could return, airport warns

Update: Drone which grounded flights in Dublin could return, airport warns
21/02/2019 – 20:53:00Back to Dublin Airport Ireland Home

Dublin Airport says a drone, which prompted the suspension of all flights earlier, hasn't been recovered and could return.
The Irish Aviation Authority ordered a 30 minute suspension of operations after a pilot spotted the device over the airfield at around 11.30 this morning.
Planes were grounded and three incoming flights were diverted as a result.
An emergency service vehicle by the perimeter fence at Dublin Aiport after a confirmed drone sighting today. Photo: Nial Carson/PA.
A full investigation into the incident has been launched and State agencies remain on alert for drone activity in the area.
DAA spokesperson, Siobhan O'Donnell, explains why the airfield reopened so quickly:
“In working with the various agencies, with the airlines, with the Irish Aviation Authority, who are key here (and) with the gardaí, who are another key agency..

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