Intel Drone Light Show and Intel True View Technology Enhance Pepsi Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show and Super Bowl LIII Viewing Experience

Intel Drone Light Show and Intel True View Technology Enhance Pepsi Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show and Super Bowl LIII Viewing Experience

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150 Custom Intel Drones Illuminate the Stadium during Pepsi Super
Bowl LIII Halftime Performance, while Intel True View Enables Immersive
Highlights of the Game


One hundred fifty enhanced Intel® Shooting Star™ drones took a live
flight during the Pepsi* Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show to amplify
Maroon 5’s performance.

Intel® True View™ captures volumetric content to let fans see key
plays from multiple angles and players’ points of view.

ATLANTA — (BUSINESS WIRE) — February 3, 2019 —

Today during the Super Bowl, Intel Corporation partnered with the NFL*
to create the first-ever live drone light show during a Super Bowl
Halftime Show. Intel and the NFL will also make advanced In..

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Bright futures alight as the NRCC Electronics Technology program powers up alternative energy focus

It’s 27 degrees, the wind is whipping across the rolling fields and the first thing a visitor sees arriving on NRCC’s Dublin campus is a nimble silver wind turbine spinning above the low, brown buildings flashing in the winter light.

Bright futures alight as the NRCC Electronics Technology program powers up alternative energy focus
Wind turbines – two more in the distance, with masts 80-feet tall – and two, house-sized, fifty-six-panel solar arrays are scattered in the fields surrounding the school. They are the alternative energy component of the larger NRCC Electronics Technology program, a program that has trained technicians for nearly a decade and now, is beginning to graduate students with alternative energy skills.

Electronics Technology students are applying skills like soldering, wiring and trouble-shooting – practicing on the nimble silver turbine and solar component – to learn theory and skills surrounding solar and wind infrastructure that are increasingly in demand in Vi..

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Delivery drones can save people’s lives

Is it a bird … is it a plane? No, it’s a drone carrying life-saving medical supplies.
If they had ever heard of it, villagers in Rwanda might have mused over this line, borrowed from a musical composed by Charles Strouse, when the first drone delivery system in the world was launched in 2016 to make on-demand emergency blood deliveries to transfusion clinics across their country.
Fast forward three years and Keenan Wyrobek, founder of the California-based automated logistics company, Zipline, that operates the service, will be one of the speakers at the Design Indaba Conference later this month in Cape Town. It will run from February 27 to March 1.
Wyrobek will speak about how the company used design-thinking to enhance the lives of others and, in his case, save lives.
Since its inception, the service has flown 4 000 flights, covered 300 000km and delivered 7 000 units of blood.
Their mission – bringing life-saving medicine to the most-difficult-to-reach places in the world.

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Advanced tech in BPL creates universal appeal


Advanced tech in BPL creates universal appeal

Sports Desk |

Update: 2019-02-02 8:22:27 PM

Rangpur Riders Captain Mashrafe Bin Mortaza bowls against Comilla Victorians. (File photo)

DHAKA: Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has changed the way cricket was viewed in the cricket-crazy country introducing a plethora of technological advancements by incorporating the use of several state-of-the-art gadgets on the field.

The ongoing Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) 2019 is garnering a huge response to the audiences both on and off the field for introduction of the new technology and BCB is immensely delighted with the positive strides the home-grown league is making, said a press release.

The influx of technology and drones have made this year’s BPL more colorful as the crowd is feeling more connected with the annual tournament which is no less than a big carnival.

The latest stumps, spider cam, drone in the stadiu..

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HSRC Releases a New In-Depth Analysis of the Explosives Detection Industry & Technologies Market

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HSRC Releases a New In-Depth Analysis of the Explosives Detection Industry & Technologies Market

With 5 volumes, 1235 pages, 599 tables & figures, the Explosives Detection Systems report is the most comprehensive explosives detection market report available

WASHINGTON DC, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, February 2, 2019 / — With 5 volumes, 1235 pages, 316 tables and 283 figures, the “Explosives Detection Systems Market, Technologies & Industry – 2018-2025” report is the most comprehensive explosives detection systems market report available today.
According to Homeland Security Research Corp. (HSRC) new report, Explosives Detection Systems Market, Technologies & Industry – 2018-2025, The explosives detection technologies & global market will grow during t..

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Drones, the new scouts for diseases, pests on the farm

In Summary
Late blight is a highly contagious disease as it quickly spreads from one farm to another. The cutting edge technology offered by the drone has put farmers ahead, enabling them contain pests and diseases thanks to early detection and control.According to experts, drone’s precision at detecting pests and diseases is over 10 times accurate compared to the human eye.The drone, which is delivering a whole new perspective of crop disease and pest early warning system to farmers, has brought new hope to many.Green means the crop has no stress, yellow the crop has scanty stress while red indicates that the crop has too much stress.


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On a windy day high up in the hilly Kibirichia village, Meru County, Susan Naftali observes an eagle-sized unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) hovering low above his field.
The drone, which is delivering a whole new perspective of crop disease and pest early warning system to farmers, has brought new hope t..

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How Trump’s border wall could embrace drones, cameras and AI

US agents patrol the border between Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and Santa Teresa, New Mexico.
Since 2015, President Donald Trump has promised to build a “big, beautiful wall” along the 1,950-mile US border with Mexico: a 20- to 30-foot high concrete wall/steel fence he says will stem illegal immigration, keep out illicit drugs and stop terrorists from entering the country.
Critics say a physical barrier is unnecessary and ineffective, and they argue that modern tech could do the job instead at a lower cost. Which is how we got to the recent 35-day shutdown, the longest in US government history. Trump insists on Congress budgeting $5.7 billion for a wall, while Democrats push for high-tech border protections.
“The positive, shall we say, almost technological wall that can be built is what we should be doing,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during a press conference in January. She's proposed spending “hundreds of millions of dollars” for tech to scan for drugs and weapons and detect p..

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Trump, Dem talk of ‘smart wall’ thrills tech companies

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