Skilled 4 Work: CNM teaches students to fly drones

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Tomorrow’s Tech Today: The green offices of the future

Progress isn't something that happens overnight. It's a steady march towards the future — and slowly but surely, society has reaped the rewards that come with new technology. Whether it's drone-based organ delivery or instant entertainment at the push of a button, it's undeniable that people today live more conveniently than ever before.
Because of our advancements, there's no shortage of cool gadgets and handy tools on the market that can enhance your life in ways you never thought possible. And technology once thought impossible is now just around the corner. It's truly an exciting time to be alive.

In “Tomorrow's Tech Today,” Kim shows you upcoming and future technology you won't want to miss. We'll be taking a look at the future of workplaces, Volkswagen's upcoming electric car concept, in-flight virtual reality and a real-life shark repellent — no Bat-Utility Belt required!
A glimpse into future technology
In today's segment..

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Drone Data Services Market 2019 Global Trends, Share, Growth, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast To 2025

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Drone Data Services Market 2019 Global Trends, Share, Growth, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast To 2025

Drone Data Services Market
PUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, August 27, 2019 / — Summary:
A new market study, titled “Discover Global Drone Data Services Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Global Drone Data Services Market
Drone data services is based on the application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect digital data for various end-user industries. The system monitors progress and obtains useful data for aerial survey. The system has evolved so much mainly due to the growing demand for data collection. The g..

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Agricultural Drones Market Projection By Key Players, Status, Growth, Revenue, SWOT Analysis Forecast 2025

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Agricultural Drones Market Projection By Key Players, Status, Growth, Revenue, SWOT Analysis Forecast 2025

Agricultural Drones Market Report 2019
A new market study, titled “Discover Global Agricultural Drones Market By Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.

PUNE, MAHA, INDIA, August 27, 2019 / —

Agricultural Drones Market – 2019-2025

Report Description:
Agricultural drones are the most advanced ways of handling, analysing, and studying a project. Due to the lazy global economical growth scenario, it’s the agricultural industry that has suffered the most. It can be claimed otherwise that the industry has gone through the major impact of..

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Tech industry becomes hotbed for employee activism


Aug 25, 2019 at 6:23 PM

SAN FRANCISCO — When Liz O’Sullivan was hired at the New York City-based artificial intelligence company Clarifai in 2017, she felt lucky to find work at the intersection of two of her main interests: technology and ethics. Two years later, she encountered a moral dilemma.
Clarifai was developing aerial photography and object detection tools as one of several companies working on Project Maven, a Pentagon drone surveillance program. After talking to friends and colleagues, O’Sullivan realized this type of technology eventually could be used for autonomous weapons.
In January, she wrote to Clarifai CEO Matt Zeiler on behalf of a group of employees, asking whether the technology would be used for weapons and urging him to commit to a series of ethical measures. After Zeiler later acknowledged Clarifai likely would provide tech for autonomous weapons, O’Sullivan quit.
“I was very surprised and had to follow my conscience,” she said. Zeiler and Clari..

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Downing of Drones All Over West Asia Indicates Power of the Defenders

Iran Self-Sufficient in Six New Pharmaceuticals Amazon Fire Triggers Call for Global Action FM Bassil: Hezbollah Pillar of National Unity ‘Combat Deaths in Afghanistan at Five-Year High’ U.S. Carrier Skulks Outside Persian Gulf No Negotiation on Missile Work: Official President: Iran Will Disappoint Enemies Iran’s Taftian Secures Olympic 2020 Quota Spot Trump’s Absurd Remarks on Greenland Might Lead to Disintegration of US Iran’s Taekwondo Team Crowned at World Cup Championship

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Drones are on everyone’s mind in Middle East

On August 22 members of the 12th Brigade of the Popular Mobilization Forces near Baghdad saw a drone hovering near their position. The forces are a group of paramilitaries mostly made up of former Shi’ite militias. The PMU “foiled the mission of an enemy drone,” a statement later said. In fact all they did was fire wildly into the air at the apparent drone.
Later observers surmised that the drone was a surveillance drone either run by the Iraqi government or US-led Coalition as part of anti-ISIS operations.

The summer in Iraq is very hot and people are on edge after four mysterious explosions at munitions warehouses of the PMU. Members of the PMU have blamed the US and Israel for the attacks, while leaders of the government have urged calm for an investigation to take place.
Drones are on everyone’s mind these days in the Middle East. Two drones were alleged to have crashed in southern Beirut in the early hours of Sunday. Photos showed them, they appeared to be quadcopters, the kind o..

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