Insecurity: Army deploys drone in Ondo, Ekiti forests

The 32 Artillery Brigade of the Nigerian Army (NA) Owena Barracks, Akure, has deployed the use of technology to fight the scourges of kidnapping and banditry within the Ondo and Ekiti States axis.

The Brigade Commander, Brig-Gen Zakari Logun Abubakar, disclosed this on saturday during the launching of a high tech drone device in the Osi community in Akure North Local Government Area of Ondo State to combats the criminal activities in the vast forest of the two states which has become a den of kidnappers.

Abubakar explained that the drone, a Phantom 5DGI, procured by the Army would assist the military formation of the Anti-kidnapping Squad in identifying the movement and activities of suspected bandits, kidnappers and other criminals.

Read Also: ‘Insecurity can cause revolution if unchecked’
According to him, the device which would also help the survey targeted areas in the two states is the latest technology in aerial surveillance and can cover up to seven kilometer radius with capa..

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Amazon Explores Having Its Drones Provide ‘Home Surveillance’ For Customers

Amazon Explores Having Its Drones Provide 'Home Surveillance' For Customers

By Bobby Allyn

11 hours ago

Gur Kimchi, vice president of Prime Air, talks about Amazon's drone delivery service. Federal officials recently approved a patent for the company to explore allowing its drones to provide “home surveillance” for its customers.

/ AP

Originally published on June 22, 2019 10:28 pm Going on vacation and want some extra security around your home? Someday you may be able to call Amazon's drones.
The Seattle tech giant is moving closer to making that scenario a real possibility after winning approval from federal officials this month for a patent for “home surveillance” drones.
Company officials stress that the plan is still in its infancy, but the patent papers describe a future in which Amazon customers order drones to hover around a home and scan for things such as a garage door left open, a broken window, graffiti or a fire.
As Amazon envisions, a cu..

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Terra Drone Indonesia provides drone training for miners – Mining Magazine

Chinese Hunchun Zijin mine improved production efficiency by 18%

Welcome to the FitBit era for metals and mining

Almost 9 tonnes more haul truck payload and reduced noise and vibration

Hexagon introduces monitoring platform for mining

The drone training provided to PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, which owns the second largest copper and gold mine in Indonesia, and PT Saptaindra Sejati, a leading coal mining contractor in the country, was conducted at actual mine sites to ensure participants get field orientation that suits their work.

Terra Drone Indonesia, a group company of Terra Drone Corp, also provided training materials that were specifically designed to meet the needs of mining operations, such as reclamation area surveys, volume calculations, pit mapping, and multimedia. Over the course of four days, the participants learned the basics of drone operations, drone regulations in force in Indonesia, safety factors and operating procedures, flight simulations and the pract..

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Drones used to introduce youth to ag, technology careers

In an effort to excite youth about agricultural research, Dr. Brent Auvermann and his team recently took their unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, to Drone Camp at Amarillo College.

Auvermann, director for the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Amarillo, has been using drones and advanced technology in his Texas A&M AgriLife Research air quality program and other research endeavors.

Dr. Brent Auvermann, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center director at Amarillo, talks to the Drone Camp participants at Amarillo College.

“We love to participate in anything that gets kids fired up about science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” Auvermann said.

He, along with his AgriLife Research team, drone pilots Jack Bush, a senior research associate, and Clayton Goodwin, a research technician, brought quadcopters and other instruments to the program to show nearly 60 youth who attended the camp.

“How many of you like to figure things out when you are at home?” Au..

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Loxley unveils high-tech future

Loxley Evolution Technology Co Ltd says it has launched four high tech groups using advanced technology through intelligent platform to enhance the security operation work potential, hopefully get Thailand on top place of being the truly safe country.
Yuthaporn Chittakasem, CEO, said LET has a registered capital of Bt50 million. The technology exhibition was organised under the theme of “Live Beyond” at Terminal 21 Shopping Centre to show leadership in providing centralised security technology on the aspects of the designing, System Integration Service, network system, applications, including security technology maintenance service and to gear up towards becoming the number one service provider bringing the Total Solutions, conforming to Thailand’s entering into the 4.0 era.

“The significant outstanding point of LET is its own platform called Beyond Platform, collaborated with its technological expertise alliance, Brazen Company, Singapore. The development of intelligent security pla..

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U.S. geospatial data could flow to China via drones


U.S. geospatial data could flow to China via drones

Experts and public officials warned lawmakers at a Senate hearing of the security risks arising from China's increasing dominance in low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles.

Harry Wingo of National Defense University told the Transportation Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce Committee that the Chinese company DJI has a “near monopoly” on drone technology marketed in the U.S. That technology isn't just in the gears and rotors, but also in the image collection and storage systems that take photographs and retain data.

“American geospatial information is flown to Chinese data centers at an unprecedented level. This literally gives a Chinese company a view from above of our nation,” Wingo said at the June 18 hearing. “DJI says that American data is safe, but its use of proprietary software networks means how would we know.”

Wingo noted that the Department of Defense has banned the use of DJI drones and expressed concern..

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Uber tests food delivery by drone in US

Uber Eats will begin testing drone delivery in high-density urban areas in the United States later this year.
Uber and the city of San Diego have been granted Federal Aviation Administration clearance to operate commercial drone delivery as part of the San Francisco-based ridesharing company's Integration Pilot Program (IPP) which was created to test the application of food delivery by drone.
This means restaurants in San Diego will trial the technology which will see orders put into specialised food transportation boxes attached to a drone for delivery. The ridesharing company's app will then locate a space close to a customer's house to land the drone – some landing zones will include on top of cars – and a Uber driver partner will take the order out of the box and deliver it manually to the front door.
Uber began testing food delivery by drone about 10 months ago. McDonald's has since come on as Uber's first restaurant partner to cater to drone delivery. ..

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Drone food delivery tested at SDSU prior to city-wide launch

An Uber Eats drone delivery program could launch in San Diego as early as this summer, a move that promises increased delivery speed and could potentially bring new restaurant options to the platform.

The announcement was made at the Uber Elevate Summit and comes after Uber partnered with San Diego State and McDonald’s to test the drone delivery system last month.

“We think drone delivery presents an opportunity to dramatically improve that customer experience,” Uber Eats Senior Director of Business Development Liz Meyerdirk said at the conference.

During Uber’s test-run of their drones at SDSU in May, an order from McDonald’s was placed in a specially designed Uber Eats package, attached to a drone and delivered to a specific drop zone near Viejas Arena. The test was the first step in bringing drone delivery to residents across San Diego.

Meyerdirk said Uber Eats can currently deliver food to customers in about 30 minutes. But Uber believes by using drone technology, the company c..

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