Ghana Not Ready For Drone-Healthcare Delivery System – Biomedical Laboratory Scientist
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Immediate past General Secretary for the Ghana Association of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists, Micheal Amo Omari has disclosed that no laboratory Scientist has been consulted on the drone healthcare delivery programme.
“I am saying this for a fact that no Laboratory Scientist or any of our stakeholder bodies have been consulted on the 12.5 million-dollar drone contract project,” he said.
According to him, no laboratory Scientist is against the introduction or implementation of the Zipline project, but the country at its health delivery level presently is not ready to welcome such a programme and has no credentials to efficiently manage it.
He stated that the state will benefit more should government use the loan allocated for the Zipline contract to build more laboratory centres in the places targeted for the project, since there are a lot of prominent arrangements needed in the health sector than drone-delivery technology of blood and medicine.
Mr. Amo Omari in an interview on UTV’s Friday edition of ‘Adekye Nsroma’ rogramme insisted, “Indeed drone technology cannot control loss of lives as perceived as the brain behind the drone technology invention”.
“Equipment, employment of staffs and policy guidelines for work implementation are very challenging problems facing the health sector that when not well addressed cannot make the zipline policy work effectively,” he advised.

Source: Elizabeth Semiheva Bedi/

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