The Great Bend Recreation Commission will be hosting a free Stop ‘N Learn Session titled “Drone 101” on Wednesday, February 27th, from 12:00 – 1:00 pm at the Great Bend Activity Center (2715 18th Street). Drones are just one of the new technological devices being used in several ways around the world. Park Elementary School Principal Phil Heeke has developed a drone “unmanned aerial vehicles” club at Park Elementary School. Join Phil and some of his club members as they share information about drones and show you a few of the projects they have completed using their drones. Participants will be entered in a door-prize drawing. A complete list of programs and class details can be found at the GBRC web site at Please contact the Recreation Commission office at 793-3755, ext 110, or stop by the office located at 1214 Stone Street for more information or with any questions you may have.

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