Prof. Ellis Owusu-Dabo

A public health expert is urging government to prioritise human role to make technology work effectively.

Prof. Ellis Owusu-Dabo of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, believes there is an overreliance on technology with little attention to the human factor.

“When it comes to technology, we should just not look at the state of the art, which is the science but there is an art to science which is the human face to technology,” he said.

He added, “a little touch here and there and sometimes just being a good listener helps.”

Prof Owusu–Dabo was speaking at the Ghana Science Association Research seminar and poster presentation in Kumas, themed, “Using Science, Technology and Innovation to Improve Quality Healthcare Delivery in Ghana.”

Though Prof Owusu-Dabo lauds the introduction of medical drones, he said it is not enough to address Ghana’s healthcare delivery challenges.

“Let’s not think of the drone as a panacea,” he stressed.

He believes a pilot study to assess the effectiveness of drone before investing in them would have been appropriate.

Prof Owusu-Dabo says attention should be paid to reliable data as a helpful tool to solve the country’s disease burden.

According to him, the district health information management system will play a crucial role in achieving such a vision.

The public health expert urges more effort be channelled into rising trends in non-communicable diseases.

“Non-communicable diseases are inching upwards, which makes Ghana a well-burdened disease country. We should have science and technology and innovation addressing these diseases. We should, for instance, look at neglected tropical diseases, and it starts with good quality data,” he said.

Having a business model to Science Technology and Innovation was also identified as a reward for scientist.

Prof Owusu-Dabo pointed out patenting and consultations make meaningful to create wealth for scientists.

“Patenting is certainly the end to this whole value chain we call royalties, and this has an impact in the future,” he said.

The poster presentation saw over 100 research works on display by students and lecturers.

President of Kumasi branch, Dr Nathaniel Owusu Boadi says the move is meant to enhance research and forge collaboration between research institutes and universities.

Former Provost of KNUST College of Science, Prof Aboagye Menyeh and the KNUST College of Science, were honoured for their contribution to the growth of the association.

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