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The global remote drone identification industry growth based on the analysis highlights that the market is expected to reach $1.25 Billion by 2029.

In the current era, drones largely encompass a broad scope of application areas, ranging from agriculture, public safety, delivery of goods, photography, and surveillance. As the need for unmanned drones continues to rise further, there is a critical need to maintain safety and transparency while conducting operations in the airspace.

In 2018, NASA developed an architecture for remote identification along with other industry stakeholders that participated in the demonstration process. The test provided an in-depth approach and rendered an efficient way on how to remotely identify an aircraft in the airspace.

Also, in 2017, Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) presented diverse viewpoints regarding remote ID and tracking of drones. These viewpoints are concerned with technological solutions such as cost effectiveness and better communication infrastructure. n official framework and rules for remote ID is anticipated at the end of 2019 by FAA.

The need for remote drone identification systems is finding new markets particularly in Asia-Pacific and Middle East countries and no longer restricted to American and European markets. Asia-Pacific has been identified as the fastest growing market for these systems.

Geopolitical issues and rising security concerns in urban areas and near critical infrastructure are the main reasons for its steep growth among several countries. Other factors include thriving drone market, changing regulatory landscape, and falling cost of electronic components, among others. China, Australia, India, and Japan are major markets for remote drone identification and commercial drone sales in these countries are going to see a strong growth.

The global remote drone identification system market is driven by number of factors such as growing instances of illegal drone activity, advancements on drone industry, and increased military and commercial applications of drones. Rising security concerns over illegal drone usage has prompted various companies to develop detection and tracking technologies. Earlier detection technologies were used to track drones but it was soon realized that they are not sufficient to detect and identify drones all the time.

At present, remote identification system is not commercially available in the market. However, because of constant developments by both the public and private sector stakeholders, the remote drone identification system market has the potential to generate over a million of dollars in revenue in the next decade.

AirMap, Unifly, Wing, Wright Technologies, FLARM, Vodafone, Verizon, Intel, and Aaronia AG among others, are some of the key stakeholders that are collaborating with other companies for developing a solid technological solution for remote identification along with cost efficient approach to implement a framework for remote ID.



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