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Vantage Agora, Inc. is now doing business as (D.B.A.) EOX Vantage.

The re-branding was really exciting because my company’s been using the services side, but to hear about the Enterprise Operating System, I’m really excited to get on, demo and find out more.”— Tara McKendry – Director, Resource Center at JMI ReportsBEACHWOOD, OHIO, UNITED STATES, October 16, 2019 / — CLEVELAND, OHIO, UNITED STATES, October 16, 2019: Big changes are propelling a newly reinvented product company to new heights. The company once known to many as “Vantage Agora” recently announced they will be doing business as (D.B.A.) EOX Vantage, effective September 22, 2019.
The company announced their re-brand at their 2019 Inspire Innovation conference, where they also launched version 3.0 of their Enterprise Operating System. The conference proved to be a success in more ways than one. Tara McKendry of JMI Reports, stated, “The re-branding that was presented today was really exciting because my company’s been using the services side, but to hear about the Enterprise Operating System, I’m really excited to get on, demo and find out more.”
A customer-centric approach to doing business was the driving force behind the re-brand to become a product company with a services arm. The team is confident that the change will drive increased value and ensure long-term sustainability.
The name change reflects the company’s future innovations and goals, as well as its current success and growth. EOX Vantage is amplifying business efficiencies by leveraging their world-class Enterprise Operating System, while still providing the same premium Managed Services they’ve become known for.
The new name is derived from two parts: ‘EOX’ is an abbreviation for enterprise operating system and ‘Vantage’ stems from the company’s former name, “Vantage Agora”, meaning a good view and an advantage in the marketplace. EOX Vantage’s name perfectly depicts what the company offers – visibility and control – into all areas of an organization.
EOX Vantage CEO Sudhir Achar states, “There are a lot of changes, but we’re still the same great company delivering innovative products and services with a relentless focus on our clients. Our new company name, logo, positioning, tagline and mission statement are reflective of our exciting future direction.”
About EOX Vantage: At EOX Vantage, our goal is to deliver premier service with insights that boost overall operations. Clients choose EOX Vantage products and services to improve their operational efficiencies through direct assistance from the managed services team, and by leveraging the customized Enterprise Operating System. The end result is that EOX Vantage allows clients to focus on what they do best, because they have reduced the time it takes to manage the essential, non-core aspects of their operations and improve their effectiveness with data and insights.

Allison Shumaker
EOX Vantage
+1 2164520324
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